cobby API requests and events
This is a complete list of API requests and events. It is intended exclusively for customers who develop their own Magento extensions based on cobby. Requests that also trigger an event can be used in an observer to attach to the event and manipulate data. With the release of cobby version, many requests have changed to a leaner naming scheme. So if you made custom extensions in previous versions of cobby, you should have your observer check for the old and the new format.
Example extension
You can find our example file for Magento 1 here and for Magento 2 here.
If your extension writes directly to Magento's database, cobby needs to be notified of the change. You can use this event to do that:
//1,2,3 are productids
Mage::dispatchEvent('cobby_handle_changes', array(
'entity' => 'product',
'action' => 'save',
'ids' => array(1,2,3),
'context' => 'custom',
'username' => 'Bob'
Postman and cobby API-requests
Example events
- cobby_import_...._import_before | manipulate the data before the import happens
- cobby_import_...._import_after | manipulate the way how the returned data is rendered in cobby
Events that differ from this scheme have an explanation directly at the event.
Attribute SetAttribute Set (export)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product_attribute_set.export
- m2: GET cobby/products/attribute/sets
- Event: none
CategoryCategory Tree (export)
- m1: cobby_catalog_category.export
- m2: GET cobby/categories
- Event: none
Attribute (info)
- m1:
- m2: none
- Event: none
Attribute (export)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product_attribute.export
- m2: GET cobby/product/attributes
- Event: cobby_catalog_product_attribute_export_after |use this to change the type of the attribute (e.g. from text to dropdown)
- cobby_catalog_product_attribute_option_export_after |use this to change the output of the options or even remove them
The cobby_catalog_product_attribute_export_after event is triggered after exporting the attribute in cobby. If the attribute contains attribute options (e.g. select-attributes), both events will trigger.
Attribute Options
Attribute Options (export)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product_attribute_option.export
- m2: GET cobby/product/attribute/options
Attribute Options (import)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product_attribute_option.import
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_catalog_product_attribute_option_export_after |use this to change the output of the options or even remove them
Configurable Product
Configurable Product (assign)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product_type_configurable.assign
- m2: none
- Event: none
Website (export)
- m1: cobby_core_website.export
- m2: GET cobby/store/websites
- Event: none
Stores (export)
- m1: cobby_core_store.export
- m2: GET cobby/store/storeViews
- Event: none
Storegroup (export)
- m1: cobby_storegroup.export
- m2: GET cobby/store/storeGroups
- Event: none
Config (export)
- m1: cobby_core_config.export
- m2: GET cobby/configs
- Event: none
Acl (export)
- m1: cobby_core_acl.export
- m2: none
- Event: none
Customer Group
Customer Group (export)
- m1: cobby_customer_group.export
- m2: GET cobby/customer/groups
- Event: none
Product (updateSkus)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product.updateSkus
- m2: POST cobby/product/skus
- Event: none
Product (getAllIds)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product.getAllIds
- m2: GET cobby/product/ids
- Event: none
Product (updateWebsites)
- m1: cobby_catalog_product.updateWebsites
- m2: POST /cobby/product/website
- Event: none
Product (exportProducts)
- m1: cobby_export.exportProducts
- m2: POST cobby/export/products
- Event: cobby_catalog_product_export_after |use this to remove products before export or manipulate the product type that is seen by cobby
Product (updateCategoryAssociations)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateCategoryAssociations
- m2: POST cobby/import/products/categories
- Event: cobby_import_product_category_import_before
- cobby_import_product_category_import_after
Product (importProducts)
- m1: cobby_import_product.importProducts
- m2: POST cobby/import/products
- Event: cobby_import_product_import_before
- cobby_import_product_import_after
Product (updateStock)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateStock
- m2: POST cobby/import/products/stocks
- Event: cobby_import_product_stock_import_before
- cobby_import_product_stock_import_after
Product (updateLink)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateLink
- m2: POST cobby/import/products/links
- Event: cobby_import_product_link_import_before
- cobby_import_product_link_import_after
Product (updateGroupedProductAssociations)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateGroupedProductAssociations
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_grouped_import_before
- cobby_import_product_grouped_import_after
Product (updateConfigurableProducts)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateConfigurableProducts
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_configurable_import_before
- cobby_import_product_configurable_import_after
Product (updateMedia)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateMedia
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_media_import_before
- cobby_import_product_media_import_after
Product (updateTierPrices)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateTierPrices
- m2: POST cobby/import/products/tierPrices
- Event: cobby_import_product_tierprice_import_before
- cobby_import_product_tierprice_import_after
Product (updateGroupPrices)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateGroupPrices
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_groupprice_import_before
- cobby_import_product_groupprice_import_after
Product (deleteDuplicateImages)
- m1: cobby_import_product.deleteDuplicateImages
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_url_import_before
- cobby_import_product_url_import_after
Product (updateUrl)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateUrl
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_url_import_before
- cobby_import_product_url_import_after
Product (updateCustomOptions)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateCustomOptions
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_customoption_import_before
- cobby_import_product_customoption_import_after"
Product (updateBundleOptions)
- m1: cobby_import_product.updateBundleOptions
- m2: none
- Event: cobby_import_product_bundleoption_import_before
- cobby_import_product_bundleoption_import_after
Product (importStart) available starting cobby 1.41
- m1: cobby_import_product.start
- m2: cobby/import/products/start
- Event: cobby_import_product_started |this event is triggered before cobby starts to import
Product (importFinish) available starting cobby 1.41
- m1: cobby_import_product.finish
- m2: cobby/import/products/finish
- Event: cobby_import_product_finished |this event is triggered after cobby finishes to import
Indexer (changeStatus)
- m1: cobby_indexer.changeStatus
- m2: none
- Event: none
Indexer (info)
- m1:
- m2: none
- Event: none
Indexer (export)
- m1: cobby_indexer.export
- m2: none
- Event: none
Indexer (reindexProducts)
- m1: cobby_indexer.reindexProducts
- m2: none
- Event: none
Queue (export)
- m1: cobby_queue.export
- m2: none
- Event: none
Queue (getMaxQueueId)
- m1: cobby_queue.getMaxQueueId
- m2: none
- Event: none
Queue (reset)
- m1: cobby_queue.reset
- m2: none
- Event: none
Translate (getTranslation)
- m1: cobby_core_translate.getTranslation
- m2: none
- Event: none
Translate (getLocales)
- m1: cobby_core_translate.getLocales
- m2: none
- Event: none
Debug (export)
- m1: cobby_core_debug.export
- m2: none
- Event: none