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Image formulas: Usage examples

If the images you want to assign to a product are located on your server in the media/import folder, they can be addressed in the image formulas directly via the image name.

If the images are located elsewhere, it helps to create a help column for the image path and image name and use this column in the formula.

Assign single image

If you want to assign a single image to a product, use: **=BILD.ERSTELLEN("**bildname.jpg ")

BILD.ERSTELLEN can also be provided with many more parameters:




Assign several images

Adding multiple images at once is also possible with this formula: =BILDER.HINZUFUEGEN(;"bildname1.jpg";"bildname2.jpg")

It does not necessarily have to be the image name. You can also refer to columns that contain the image name.

Common mistakes when using the image formula

If you fill your image formula using a help columns, make sure that the image path is spelled correctly. A valid image path always ends with a backslash "".



Change the name of the images by formula

1. copy the image column so that there are 2 image columns (preferably next to each other)

2. enter this formula in the second column of the screen: =BILDER.BEZEICHNUNGENERSETZEN([@Bilder];C5)

  • the first reference goes to the normal image column
  • the second reference goes to the new descriptions entered in the cells


Video script

Rename image files

Using the demo data Magento

  • The source data has SKU as the image name. In order for these images to be found online, it is better to replace the name with keywords.

  • We make a new column, copy the content of the image column to it. In the image column we use the formula =Images.ReplaceFilename (reference to new image column; we take the product name as the image name).

  • By pulling down the formula, we apply it to multiple products.

  • For products with multiple images, a 1 is then added at the back.

  • Saving the changes

  • Loading the products

  • Magento replaces the spaces in the name with underscores.

How can I display the image URL by formula?

1. add new column

2. enter this formula in the newly created column for the respective product: =BILDER.URLSHOLEN([@Bilder];";")

How do I add multiple images and automatically set small, base and thumb on an image?





In this formula, the formula BILD.ERSTELLEN is used as the first parameter for image 1. Here not only the image is added, but also small, base and thumbnail are set.

See also: