Overview of the most common formulas in Excel
Formulas for images and general work
In cobby you can of course use all formulas that Excel offers. In this article we will introduce you to the most important formulas from Excel and from cobby. Of course, these formulas can not only be used individually, but can also be combined to form a new formula.
Excel formulas
VLOOKUP - to find data in a table or row by row
INDEX(MATCH) - similar to VLOOKUP with a slightly different use case
TRIM - removes leading and trailing spaces
CONCATENATE - connects two or more strings to one
NOT - ensures that one value is not equal to another
IF - to check if a condition is true
IFS - like IF, but for up to 127 conditions without the need to nest formulas
COUNTIF - to count the number of cells that meet a criterion
COUNTA - counts the number of cells that are not empty in a certain range
AND - to determine if all conditions in a test are true
RANDBETWEEN - returns a random integer within the specified number set
ROUND - rounds a number to a specified number of digits
VALUE - converts a text string representing a number into a number
TEXT - change the way a number is formatted to be displayed
IS - checks if an error condition (TRUE or FALSE) is present
IFERROR - returns a value that you specify if a formula returns an error; otherwise, the result of the formula is returned
TODAY - returns the numbers of the current date
LEFT - returns the first character or characters in a text string based on the number of entered characters
RIGHT - returns the first character or characters in a text string based on the number of entered characters
MID - returns a certain number of characters of a string from the position you specified, based on the number of characters you specified
LEN - returns the number of characters in a text string
FIND - finds a string within a second string and returns the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string
MIN - returns the smallest number in a group of values
MAX - returns the largest number in a group of values
SUBSTITUTE - to replace a specific text in its text string
Take a look at the Excel function assistant. cobby has its own category of functions there:
cobby formulas - Images
BILD.ERSTELLEN - formula to bring a new single image with all possible parameters (Description/ Exclude/ Small etc) into the store
BILDER.ERSTELLEN - formula to bring multiple images into the store
BILD.HOLEN - returns the names of all images of the product
BILDER.HOLEN - returns the names of all images of the product
BILD.BEZEICHNUNGHOLEN - is used to retrieve the name of an image type of the product (e.g. small)
BILDER.BEZEICHNUNGHOLEN - returns the labels of all images of the product
BILD.URLHOLEN - is used to retrieve the URL of an image type of the product (e.g. small)
BILDER.URLSHOLEN - returns the URLS of all images of the product
BILDER.HINZUFUEGEN - adds additional images for a product that already has images
BILDER.DATEINAMENERSETZEN - overwrites the file names of the images of the product
BILDER.BEZEICHNUNGENERSETZEN - formula to replace the description (alternative text) of all images
cobby formulas - General
EINMALFORMEL - formula that is executed only once and removes itself after saving in cobby. Useful when creating new products, if the formula contains many links. To Magento, the function does not transmit the formula and the value of the function, but only the value. The calculation/processing thus does not take quite so much time.
IFISEMPTY - checks if a cell is empty and is then executed